Is there nothing better than sitting out in your backyard eating summer ripe berries? The sun on your back, and sweet delicious fruit...yup you can tell it is the middle of winter and I am beginning to dream of spring time. This painting is from photos I took way back in 2013 but I wasn't confident enough to try to paint from the images I got. Painting glass is more than a bit intimidating. There is a lot on information in a very small space. I had to also develop my patience level because it also takes quite a bit of time to properly and carefully capture all the abstract shapes in the glass. Fear is a big part of what artists have to overcome. Fear can hold one back, not allow one to expand and develop. People are surprised to hear that I too feel fear. Sometimes it slows me down for a bit, but then I find a way to get beyond it. Mostly by asking myself "What is the worst thing that can happen?" The answer "the painting doesn't work!" Yes indeed it may not work but what harm does that have on me...none. Every painting I find that I continue to develop and learn. I have burned quite a few paintings that were not to the standard that I want in the world but as they burned I say "Thank you for what you taught me". :) Above are some of the images that I took on that hot summer day in 2013. I bet you can see a theme (beyond berries). I adore black and white fabric. I had an extensive collection when I quilted and I never ever made a quilt with it. I just had a hard time cutting it. So I sold the vast majority of my fabric collection in the fall of 2016 once we moved back into the house. I don't quilt any more so why have my fabric collection take up so much space. Don't worry it went to a very loving home where the first quilt my friend made...was with the black and white collection. I LOVE IT! :) You can see how interesting some of the set ups are but some are not at all. That is the joy of digital least you can through the vast majority of the images away. Step by by painting grows and so does my confidence. I know I have been bitten by the painting glass bug! Wow it really pushed me to render this as accurately as possible. Below is the completed painting. I am really pleased with the glass. "The Sweetness of Life" , 38x56cm (15x22in), Watercolour on 140 lb Arches Cold Press What did I learn on this piece...strawberry seeds are crazy for the amount of time they take...each one had at least 3 layers on them. I am not sure I will want to take on doing another strawberry for a very long time. LOL. Creating a smooth berry turns out to be a small challenge. One that I will have to work on to even get better. The other big lesson was that I should never let impatience get the better of me...putting all the little dots of masking fluid got away on me because I was impatient...then at the end I had to 'fix' a bunch of unnecessary areas which added a fair amount of extra time.
I would love to hear what you think of this painting. :) Thanks for stopping by.
Shawna Lampi-LegareeShawna is capturing moments of beauty from the world around her. Archives
June 2023
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